Thursday, December 6, 2012

Menu Project - Sketches and Research

 These are the sketches I did for the logo that I designed.

These are the websites that I consulted for ideas for my menu project.

Research and Development for Poster Project

 My final version of my poster project.

I really didn't do much research for this project. If anything, I looked for fonts to use at Other than that, this was the one sketch I did. Please excuse the coffee stains. After the first critique, I just tweaked it in Illustrator.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Beer Label

Beer Label Final Version

                                    Beer label version 1

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Inspiration For My Logo Design

My biggest inspiration for me logo was the wooden cuckoo clock. The Black Forest region of Germany is where these clocks originated. I love the intricacy of the woodwork in these clocks. They are beautiful. 

Typography Post #18

This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

You have to be careful about the placement of type on objects because you might accidentally discredit your company.

Typography Post #17

This is an example where kerning is quite important. 

Once again, you have to watch your kerning or you might accidentally make an R rated product.